Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Our group has put in time individually over the weekend and some time together early Monday morning to put together information to report to the class. I think my best contribution to the group so far has been finding spreadsheets that some important RapidSMS players posted within their Google group discussions.

CLA Individual Signers

CLA Corporate Signers

RapidSMS projects

The first two links basically tell us who the big players in the project are and how to get in touch with them. Additionally, the 3rd link describes projects utilizing the RapidSMS framework, and who to get in touch with for each project. Carly has since emailed Cory Zue and he gave us some words of encouragement; he said that he would be happy to brainstorm about how we can contribute. I plan on sending more emails to each of the project managers to help us get a feel of which project might be a good fit for us. We have plenty of options, since we can work with either the RapidSMS framework or one of the many projects that use RapidSMS as a framework. I will blog later about my experiences with subversion and about Chapter 4.

As a side note, being sick is not fun. I have been hit hard by something that is going around. Hopefully these antibiotics I have been taking will have me able to work at a full capacity again just in time to do some programming.

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